Nearly every state has a minimal amount of insurance that you must have in order to get your car licensed in that state and California is no exception to this rule. In order to license your car, there are minimal amounts of coverage that the law provides for and these laws must be adhered to if you want to own and operate a car in the state of California.
Given the fact that California also has some of the highest premiums in the United States for auto insurance coverage, where can you find cheap California car insurance?
You are required by law to have at the minimum, liability insurance which will cover the cost of another's property or automobile. In the event that you are at fault in an accident, your insurance may in some cases also cover the cost of medical bills for passengers that you are carrying in your own vehicle.
The liability insurance will also cover the cost of any medical expenses that may be incurred to passengers of the other automobile, or pedestrian or property damages.
Minimal coverage in California is 15,000 dollars of coverage for injuries to each individual. You also need 30,000 dollars worth of coverage for injuries to all persons in the second vehicle and 5000 to cover damages to their car or property.
While this is not a great deal in actuality it will help to defray the costs. This coverage will most likely not be enough to cover the cost of the accident and in some cases you may want to purchase more coverage.
Medical bills and car repairs, when you are responsible for them, can be quite exorbitant. Yet in many cases, the amount of insurance coverage that you get seems nearly as costly as if you had paid the bill yourself.
Even the minimal coverage can in fact be quite costly to gain, so it is in our best interests to seek out cheap California car insurance. We should do so in order to get the best rates that we can, as well as to comply with the state laws, since you can't legally drive or license your automobile without it.
Automobile insurance rates can vary widely from one company to another, with some pricing even dramatically lower than other companies for the same amount of coverage. It is always in your best interest to shop around, and to compare quotes from more than one insurance company to make absolutely certain that you are getting the best deal you can.
Insurance brokers are one of the best ways to gather quotes from various companies. Using them to be certain that you have the right coverage for you makes good sense. Additionally they very often make suggestions for things that you can do to cut your costs, such as a driver's education program in the case of someone with one or more moving violations.
Cheap California car insurance isn't always easy to come by, but with a little exploration you can find it.