Foreclosure Tsunami Continues in California
California - The foreclosure tsunami in California continues unabated. More foreclosures were started in California during the second quarter of 2007 than any comparable period in over ten years. We need to go all the way back to 1997 to see such record volume of foreclosures within the state. What has caused this tsumani? It has been caused by the "perfect storm" of depreciating home prices, anemic sales, re-setting adjustable rate loans, and the mortgage meltdown in the financing sector.
Understanding the California Red Tag Law and How It Affects Auto Loans
California - Last year the government officials in California passed the "red tag law" which has had a significant affect on the used cars market that consumers can benefit from. For those who are familiar with the logistics of this new law I'll explain it simply. In its basic understanding the California red tag law requires dealers to place a red sticker on any vehicle that has been salvaged, in a junk yard, or sustained any flood damage.
Can In-House Financing Help Trigger the Next Baja Real Estate Boom?
California - With a slow housing market trending the real estate world and economic uncertainty glooming over millions, Baja real estate developers may yet attract buyers with purchasing plans very much within their affordable grasp.
The number of housing and condo developments in the Baja California coast increased significantly in these past years; as a result of the boom in constructions and the current market conditions opportunities are arising for the knowledgeable investor who can expect a significant return on the investment after the market has recovered, or the American retiree considering moving to Mexico.
Popular California Real Estate Investing Strategies
California - California real estate investing is a challenging market for seasoned investors, let alone those new to the practice. The Golden State has been in a downhill spiral of foreclosure acquisitions since the banking crisis. However, this has opened the doors for investors to purchase properties well below market value.
California real estate investing can be a profitable practice as long as investors take time to become familiar with the area. Several markets have witnessed housing prices decline by as much as 40-percent. Today, investors can locate affordable houses in areas such as Malibu, where prices were often prohibitive for generating positive cash flow.
Information on California Loan Modification
California - Why is California loan modification so popular? The loan mortgage crisis that sparked this whole economic implosion is to blame for most of our problems. The real estate industry, particularly of California, has collapsed because of people's greed. Lenders kept on lending to anyone without considering the risk factors and real estate kept on selling and developing more areas. As a result, the debt that remains unpaid grew and grew. The economy was running on the illusory wealth created by debt. But soon of course all of this bad debt caught up with the system and soon the banks crashed because there was no more cash sustaining its functions. And as everyone knows, perhaps the major industry of California is the real estate industry. And since that went kaput, the government is trying to create new ways in order to revive it in hopes that reviving that industry will eventually help revive the entire economy that crashed because of it in the first place.
What Are the Different Types of Mortgage Company Licenses Available in California
California - Before learning how to get a California Mortgage Company License, we need to first talk about what type of mortgage license your company should get. There are three (3) different types of Mortgage Company Licenses offered in California. The Department of Real Estate offers the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) Corporate License with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Company Endorsement. The Department of Corporations (DOC) offers two different types of mortgage company licenses, the California Finance Lender License (CFL) and the California Residential Mortgage Lender License (CRML). All three of these license types have different requirements for approval and allow different activities. It is very important to decide up front what license type works best for you, so let's take a look and compare each of them. I will be using a lot of acronyms, so refer to the above paragraph if you're not sure what each acronym means.
Home Equity Loans in California
California - Home equity loans are regulated in California to limit fees and caps. No matter where your financial company is based, they will have to follow these regulations if you are living in California. By expanding your search to national financing companies, you can find competitive rates and terms that still follow California law.
Save Thousands on Your Home by Utilizing California Refinance
California - Whenever I hear the word refinance or mortgage, I start to get nervous. In California, most folks like to relax, enjoy the sun, sky and surf (or mountains if you have em’) and not mess around with their hard-earned homes. But California Refinance can actually save people thousands upon thousands of dollars in mortgage payments, and can turn some people into full fledged home owners on beautiful, panoramic California property for far less money than they could have ever imagined. They can even look into purchasing homes that they never thought possible, or free up money to turn their current home into their fantasy home. Talk about California Dreamin’!
100% Mortgage Financing in California
California - 100% mortgage financing is easier to secure in California than in many other states, even with the average California home price at $467,000 as of October 2006.
Many lenders are willing to provide mortgages with no down payments based on a good credit score and solid savings. But even if you don't have those, you can still get financing help through one of California's many government programs.
Pick Your Mortgage Financing Plan
100% financing of your home loan can be achieved in several ways. You can apply for complete financing with one mortgage. The home loan lender may or may not require you to pay closing costs.
Another option is to take out two mortgages. The second mortgage can be with a different lender. For those with poor credit, this is the easiest way to secure a no down payment loan, since the risk of the loan is carried by more than one lender.
Look Into California Financing Programs
California's state and local governments have come up with several programs to help people buy a home. Licensed California financing companies, which include many national and local companies, can help you apply for these programs.
California's Extra Credit Teacher Program is one such program. The state will help teachers who are first-time home buyers by offering 30 fixed rate loans at an interest point below market rates and a 3% second mortgage. In effect, a California teacher can get 100% financing for their new home.
California and Financing A Home Options
California - Many residents of California will definitely have so many choices for exploration in this place. However, any individual who cares for his or her future will surely prioritize the important decisions, like financing a home rather than just spending on trivial things.
As such, it will be very prudent to first take this decision rather than find yourself constantly moving from one rented place to another.