California Netralid: Health
The Benefits of Finding Low Cost California Health Insurance

The Benefits of Finding Low Cost California Health Insurance

California - Do you live in the state of California?  If you do, are you in the market for California health insurance?  If you are currently uninsured, there is a good chance that you are, as health insurance is important.  However, if you are like many other individuals, you may find health insurance to be fairly expensive. Although the cost is more than worth it, many seeking health insurance are on budgets. The good news, however, is that there are ways for you to find low cost California health insurance coverage.

Tips To Boost Your California Health Insurance Coverage At Work

Tips To Boost Your California Health Insurance Coverage At Work

California - Even if you still have health insurance in California as a job benefit, your coverage is probably shrinking right before your eyes. According to the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund, California employers were hit by a 39 percent increase in the cost of providing family health coverage in just six years (from 2003 to 2009).

How Does California Health Insurance Stack Up To The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

How Does California Health Insurance Stack Up To The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

California - Perhaps the intent behind the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to insure one of the groups most likely to be deprived of health care, but the result is somewhat unexpected.

As a group, youth in transition from dependent children to becoming independent working young adults have a difficult time making financial ends meet. One of the outcomes is that almost a third of adults between the ages of 19 and 25 (that's over a million people) lack health insurance.

California Health Insurance For Women

California Health Insurance For Women

California - Working with the Center for American Progress, California first lady Maria Shriver is taking a serious second look at the segment of Californians who are facing unusually high risk for life-altering diseases like arthritis, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Considering their typical work load, it's not surprising that caregivers are almost twice as likely as others to suffer serious chronic health issues.

Can California Health Insurance Unify Group And Individual Coverage?

Can California Health Insurance Unify Group And Individual Coverage?

California - As many as 4.57 million California residents either have no health plan or inadequate coverage. According to the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, most of these people are between the ages of 18 and 44 and are male. The study also indicated that the majority of these people are healthy in spite of reduced access to health care.

California Health Insurance Exchange 101

California Health Insurance Exchange 101

California - With the inception of health care reform, we have seen numerous changes in health care, such as full coverage of preventive care services and work has already begun to create state-based "exchange" around the country. But, how can you use one of these exchanges? How can it help consumers looking for affordable health care coverage in California?

Can California Health Insurance Rate Reviews Stop Excessive Rate Hikes?

Can California Health Insurance Rate Reviews Stop Excessive Rate Hikes?

California - Last year, California was granted the power to scrutinize proposed health insurance rate increases by insurance companies. Insurance companies planning to increase their plan premiums by more than 10 percent are subject to rate reviews. Excessive premium increases would necessitate insurers to publicly justify the unjust rate hikes.

How to Find Affordable California Health Insurance

How to Find Affordable California Health Insurance

California - Are you a California resident who is looking purchase your own health insurance plan?  If you are there is a good chance that you are either self-employed or your current employer doesn't offer health insurance coverage.  Either way, you will need to purchase your own.  If you are reality familiar with California health insurance, you likely know that isn't dirt cheap.  You will have to pay a fairly decent price to receive an adequate amount of insurance coverage; however, you shouldn't have to go broke when doing so. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find affordable California health insurance.

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